Saturday, March 28, 2015

OAM 11g .Net Application Integration

 OAM 11g supports OOTB integration with .Net Application including MVC, Sliverlight applications. The OAM Principal and roles can be consumed by the .Net Application using OAM .Net connector aka ObPrincipalHttpModule.


  1.  OAM R2PS2 and IIS 11g R2PS2 WebGate.
  2.  IIS 7.X or Higher.
  3. A .NET Application implementing "Context.User.IsInRole("SomeOAMRole")" API.
  4.  .NET 4.0

OAM .Net Application Integration Steps

1.      Create a .net application and deploy it on IIS WebServer.
2.      Create OAM Authz Policy to set OAMHttpModule Role=<SomeRole>&Role=<someRole>.

3.      Add ObPrincipalHttpModule.dll to Global Assembly Cache (GAC) on IIS box. The command is
gacutil -i ObPrincipalHttpModule.dll
Command to verify if ObPrincipalHttpModule is added to GAC.
gacutil -l | grep ObPrincipalHttpModule

           4.       Update the web.config of IIS Site hosting .Net Application. (Note: web.config of the .net application can also be modified to add ObPrincipalHttpModule). Following should be updated in web.config <configuration> tag.
For Integrated( IIS Application ) Mode:
<customErrors mode="Off" /> -->
<add name="OAMHttpModule" type="Oracle.OAM.Agents.OAMHttpModule,ObPrincipalHttpModule, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=99645062befa5197" />
For Classic (IIS Application ) Mode:
<add type="Oracle.OAM.Agents.OAMHttpModule,ObPrincipalHttpModule, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=99645062befa5197" name="OAMHttpModule" />



  1. Hi,
    Where do you find this ObPrincipalHttpModule.dll ? I don't have it neither in Webgate 11g nor Webgate 10g for IIS.
    Thank you

  2. In 10g the ObPrincipalHttpModule.dll can be found at \access\oblix\apps\webgate\ObPrincipalHttpModule\ObPrincipalHttpModule.dll.
    Please make sure the you are using CR2 package for IIS WebGate installation.

  3. Thank you. I was not using CR2 package indeed !
    I decompiled the DLL and found out that it won't fit my need because it uses OblixHttpModule header whereas my OAM sends OAM_REMOTE_USER and i ended up writing my own HttpModule which intercept OAM_REMOTE_USER header.

  4. You can also use 11g R2PS2 IIS WebGate. You will find ObPrincipalHttpModule in the [WebGate Home]/iis/lib directory.

    Internally, the ObPrincipalHttpModulelogic is following. A new OAMPrincipal (IPrincipal) object is intantiated with context.user, Name (defined as OAM Authz Header) and OAM_REMOTE_USER from OAMHttpModule OnAuthenticate event. Name is parsed from Authz header and added to IIdenity. If name (mentioned in Authz success action) is not found then OAM_REMOTE_USER is set as IIdentity. If OAM_REMOTE_USER is not found then UNKNOWN will set as IIDentity.
    So, I believe 11g version will take care of your use-case.

  5. This is what I was looking for in the first place. Once again I was not using 11gR2 but 11gR1 of IIS Webgate and I could not find the DLL.
    Thanks !
    I'm not entireli satisfied with the behavior of the ObPrincipalHttpModule logic though. If OAM_REMOTE_USER is not found, I would expect not to have a Principal.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Abhijeet,

    I understand that you are protected .NET application using OAM IIS webgate. Do you know if SAML integration is supported by DOT NET applications? Appreciate any information on it.

    Siva Pokuri

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